
Community Christmas party 2023.

Residents celebrate Christmas at the Arcadian Hills Community Christmas Party.

20 December 2023

The joy and warmth of the holiday season came alive at the Community Christmas Party held at Arcadian Hills Cres Park, earlier this month. The event, organised for our Arcadian Hills and Arcadian Grove community was a huge success, bringing together over 400 residents in a celebration filled with festive cheer.

The vibrant spirit of our community was truly illuminated as families, friends and neighbours gathered to share the joy of the season. The Community Christmas Party included activities for both kids and adults.

A big thank you to our partners in making this event possible. Big Yellow Umbrella, Rotary Camden, RFS Cobbitty and the numerous local organisations played a crucial role in ensuring the success of our Community Christmas Party. The tireless efforts of volunteers did not go unnoticed, and it is thanks to their dedication that this event became a highlight of the holiday season.

As we bid farewell to this year and look forward to the new one, we extend warm wishes to each and every member of our community. May your holiday season be filled with joy, laughter, and moments of togetherness. Here's to a Merry Christmas and a joyous New Year for all!

Kids enjoying the balloon twister
RFS Cobbitty at the Community Christmas Party
Lucky draw winner